Monday, February 20, 2012


FACT! Online Retail & E-commerce is a booming Industry that continues to grow at an explosive rate. Every day thousands of E-commerce businesses are taking market share from traditional offline retail businesses. Online sales are being made each day on a global scale by the millons.

Now is the time to take the opportunity of an accelerated start-up regardless of the economy, your background, age or experience. You'll see how to quickly get accomplished in owning and running your own e-commerce website with E-commerce Get It Right!

If you are looking forward to financial independence, moving towards your dream lifestyle, and achieving your career goals, then you have come to the right place.

But Did You Know...

97% of e-commerce websites (shopping websites) make $0 profits in their first 3 years online. Such is the steep learning curve and skill set required to build an e-commerce website that will dominate your product category, market or niche.

Have you heard the phrase ‘work on your business and not in your business’? Well the 97% referred to above are doing the latter. They are wasting time, energy and money in the wrong areas of their business.

It's critical to Spend 20% of Your Time On Operations and 80% On Marketing.

Once trapped running your e-commerce website, it’s damned hard to escape and spend time where you should be, marketing your business to greater profits. So aim to be part of the profitable 3% as quickly as possible, and your e-commerce sales and profits will skyrocket...

The majority of small businesses start-up with a gung-ho attitude, they throw caution to the wind and just do it. This action is to be commended but unfortunately the lack of a plan, a clear-cut and simplified roadmap more often than not equals long-term financial disaster and heartache. The lack of planning, lack of forecasting the numbers, lack of researching the market, competitors and products unfortunately is an all-too-common problem.

The inability to implement simple yet automated e-commerce systems that all communicate and run your business on auto-pilot ultimately giving you time to market your business. And the inability to watch and lower operating costs on a consistent basis resuting in greater profits. These simple yet essential key business and e-commerce skills are the difference between profits and losses. You have to get these right.

And just like any business 'Underfunding' in an e-commerce business is the biggest cause of failure. Its critical to allocate and invest accordingly into your new or existing e-commerce business, website and marketing—this means to trade assertively, not passively!

All of this has to be executed using a simplified and actionable blueprint for e-commerce success or you’ll join the 97% of small business that struggle to make a profit within 3 Years of starting, or even worse, the 80% that inevitably fail within 5 years of launch. That’s a pretty Sad Statistic I'm sure you'll agree!

For more detail, please visit :

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