Your 2012 Money Secret
Actually what I am giving you is a free smart money secret. If you follow me through to the end of this paper I will show you a method that anyone can use to make money.
Years back while serving in the U.S. Navy submarine service I stumbled across this money multiplying method.
When you pull into a foreign port it is very difficult to go ashore with U.S. dollars and spend them in a local souvenir shop or bar. You need the currency of the country you are in if you want to enjoy your time there.
As a sailor there are basically three ways to do this:
1. You can buy the currency of the country you are going to from some U.S. banks and take it with you.
2. You can go to a bank in the country you are going to and some of them will exchange U.S. dollars for the local currency. You will need to be able to speak the language of the country you are in or find someone in the bank who speaks English, so it can be a little more tricky.
3. Money ex-changers come on board your ship or boat and will broker the money for you for a fee.
Now here is the most important part of this article, and the part you must understand if you are going to make money with this method.
When an American sailor receives a foreign currency, whether it is a Philippines peso, the Japanese yen, or the Hong Kong dollar it is immediately referred to as "funny money".
Most times when in a foreign port, the first day one part of the crew goes ashore, and the second day another part of the crew gets its turn. It is not at all uncommon to hear a sailor who went on shore on day one ask a sailor who is going on shore the next day, "Hey, do you want to buy some funny money?" In other words, "Do you want to buy the currency of the country we are in for exchange for some U.S. dollars?"
Now here is something else you need to know. the first three letters of the word "funny" are "fun" and once a sailor, or even a tourist, trades in there own country's cash for the local cash it kind of becomes like Monopoly money.
It seems to have lost its true value. It is something to be played with or to have fun with. In essence it is not considered as "real"money any more. It is most often spent to the last peso, yen or dollar. It is expendable.
I don't know why this is true, but it often seems to be so. I guess this is so because another word for "funny" is "peculiar". And, things that are odd or peculiar or different, many people - perhaps most people - don't like and tend to avoid. It just seems to be human nature to revert to that which you are more accustomed to.
Seldom were large amounts of money brought back to the United States. Oh, somebody might have a dollar or two left to take home to the wife or kids as souvenirs, but that was usually the extent of it.
There was an exception I want you to know about.
His name was Sammy. Sammy's dad was a banker. A banker in the United States and sometimes after we had been gone from the states for a month or more, Sammy would get a letter or letters form his dad with large sums of money in the form of traveler's checks.
Sammy would call home and let his dad know he had the checks so in case they were lost or stolen in the mail they could be canceled.
Then before we left the port we were in he would exchange the traveler's checks for "funny money". Often Sammy would also take a hundred or couple hundred of his own money and exchange it for the foreign currency also.
One day I asked him why he and his dad wanted money you couldn't spend back state side?
Sammy explained to me his dad was a speculator. He followed world economic trends that caused the currency of one country in relation to another to either gain or lose its value.
Usually when Sammy's dad sent $1000 to invest in pesos or yen or Hong Kong dollars when we got back to the states the $1000 in "funny money" could be exchanged for U.S. dollars for $1100, $1200, or sometimes more. Not a bad investment for a month or two return.
One word of caution. After I was transferred to another submarine, I tried this money exchanging method on my own in a country where I had previously made money with Sammy and his dad and when I returned to the states the "funny money" had devalued in relation to the U.S. dollar. I lost money.
The reason for this was I had lost the expertise of Sammy's dad. I had lost the tool which enabled me to make money. It would be like a farmer raising corn with a tractor and making a profit and the next year his tractor broke and he tried to do the same thing with a tiller or worse yet with a shovel and hoe.
Alright, so why am I telling you this? Most probably you are not going to join the navy, go overseas, buy foreign currency, return to the U.S. and hopefully exchange it for a profit.
Good news, now you don't have to do it that way. You can sit right at home in the U.S. or any other country for that matter and you can even sit in your own home and exchange currencies for profit.
'Great", you say, "But how do I get hold of Sammy's dad?"
Well, here is where the news gets even better. Now-a-days, thanks to the computer and software programs, you can stay at home and make money without Sammy's dad.
This is all done with a process know as "Forex" ( which stands for foreign exchange ) trading, and is basically a 2 step process if you are new to exchanging currencies.
1. Find a good basics forex course and learn the vocabulary and the basics of exchanging currencies. Many courses will let you practice for free.
2. Take the plunge and try a trade or, and I highly recommend this, invest in a good forex software (Sammy's dad), and let the robot do the speculating for you.
About this Author
To learn the basics I would suggest This will allow you to look over your teacher's shoulder as he/she shows you the ropes without risking any of your own money. Then go to to buy the software, a robot that does the work for you. This is Sammy's dad. Fap Turbo is a 14 year proven program that has an 80% success rate for its clients. And, it is not a static system, it is a dynamic software robot that constantly updates itself to keep you constantly making money.
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