Thursday, February 23, 2012

Samseng Facebook - Sistem Trafik Percuma FaceBook

Rahsia Merampas Trafik Percuma Dan Tanpa Had Dari FaceBook Menggunakan Teknik Samseng.

Terbongkar: Cara Saya Gunakan Teknik "Samseng" Untuk Merampas Trafik Percuma Dari FaceBook Sesuka Hati Saya, Tanpa Keluar Modal Satu Sen Pun Atau Merayu Kepada JV Partners Yang Sombong.


  • Sistem ini mudah dipasang dan tak perlukan pengetahuan teknikal yang tinggi. Biarpun baru dipasang, nampak ada peningkatan dari segi trafik yang melawat ke salah satu landing page saya yang telahpun dipasang dengan sistem Samseng Facebook ini.

  • Ini bukan Samseng FB Tapi Srikandi FB bagi saya 
    (perempuan..hihi) yang menggunakan teknik ini kerana cara pemasangan yang diajar memang mudah untuk diikuti. 
    Trafik saya naik secara percuma tanpa susah2 perlu mintak orang tolong like..tak perlu guna Fb ads berbayar..memang confirm orang akan like..Produk yang bagus bagi newbie yang xdak list

  • Hai, Saya Safwan Seth, seorang pengkaji cara pemasaran efektif di facebook. Sejujurnya saya lebih suka menggunakan facebook ads tetapi ianya berbayar dan ramai yang tak sanggup untuk keluarkan modal untuk beriklan di Facebook. 
    Baru-baru ini saya terjumpa Samseng Facebook, teknik alternatif menarik
    trafik secara percuma dan menjimatkan. Like di Fanpage meningkat secara 
    mendadak. Lupakan sahaja cara percuma promosi di facebook yang pernah anda 
    lakukan selama ini kerana ianya 'slow' dan anda cepat 'give up' kerana 
    hasilnya sangat lambat. Jadi saya 
    syorkan anda untuk belajar teknik Samseng Facebook.

Sekiranya anda serius mengenai info trafik ini, klik gambar di bawah:

Samseng Facebook

Formula Fiverr - make money at fiverr

Are you can read multi languages,,specially, malay...

click picture below for detail...

Fiverr Secret

Good luck! 

Monday, February 20, 2012


FACT! Online Retail & E-commerce is a booming Industry that continues to grow at an explosive rate. Every day thousands of E-commerce businesses are taking market share from traditional offline retail businesses. Online sales are being made each day on a global scale by the millons.

Now is the time to take the opportunity of an accelerated start-up regardless of the economy, your background, age or experience. You'll see how to quickly get accomplished in owning and running your own e-commerce website with E-commerce Get It Right!

If you are looking forward to financial independence, moving towards your dream lifestyle, and achieving your career goals, then you have come to the right place.

But Did You Know...

97% of e-commerce websites (shopping websites) make $0 profits in their first 3 years online. Such is the steep learning curve and skill set required to build an e-commerce website that will dominate your product category, market or niche.

Have you heard the phrase ‘work on your business and not in your business’? Well the 97% referred to above are doing the latter. They are wasting time, energy and money in the wrong areas of their business.

It's critical to Spend 20% of Your Time On Operations and 80% On Marketing.

Once trapped running your e-commerce website, it’s damned hard to escape and spend time where you should be, marketing your business to greater profits. So aim to be part of the profitable 3% as quickly as possible, and your e-commerce sales and profits will skyrocket...

The majority of small businesses start-up with a gung-ho attitude, they throw caution to the wind and just do it. This action is to be commended but unfortunately the lack of a plan, a clear-cut and simplified roadmap more often than not equals long-term financial disaster and heartache. The lack of planning, lack of forecasting the numbers, lack of researching the market, competitors and products unfortunately is an all-too-common problem.

The inability to implement simple yet automated e-commerce systems that all communicate and run your business on auto-pilot ultimately giving you time to market your business. And the inability to watch and lower operating costs on a consistent basis resuting in greater profits. These simple yet essential key business and e-commerce skills are the difference between profits and losses. You have to get these right.

And just like any business 'Underfunding' in an e-commerce business is the biggest cause of failure. Its critical to allocate and invest accordingly into your new or existing e-commerce business, website and marketing—this means to trade assertively, not passively!

All of this has to be executed using a simplified and actionable blueprint for e-commerce success or you’ll join the 97% of small business that struggle to make a profit within 3 Years of starting, or even worse, the 80% that inevitably fail within 5 years of launch. That’s a pretty Sad Statistic I'm sure you'll agree!

For more detail, please visit :

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Easy Way To Make Big Money Without A Job

"How I Made £1Million Pounds In Under 7 Years Without A Job!"

"Thats $1 Million Dollars In 3 Years!"

"And This Is What 1 Million Pounds Looks Like!" 
"This May Be The Most Important Message You Will Ever Read!"

Buy Now And After Payment You Will Be Directed To A Download Page So You Will Have This Product Immediately!

"How I Make Free Money Every Day!"

Just log onto a website, decide how much Money you 
need, and collect a few hours later!!! 

Do this every day and you never need to work again!!!

"It's So Simple A Ten Year Old Can Do This!"

"This Incredible And Little Known Secret Has Been Used By Banks For Centuries. It's Now Available To You, Thanks To The Power Of The Internet!" 

Dear Friend,

In my own words I would like to thank you for taking a few minutes to read this letter - you must be quite curious, I mean "free money" is pretty much what I'm talking about right?

This well kept secret is very genuine, and a lot of well informed individuals are using it to make hundreds and even thousands of pounds...every single day.

Perhaps you're concerned that it's not legal? Let me assure you, this simple little method is perfectly legal - in fact huge investment banks listed in the stock exchanges that you probably own shares in (Don't Worry It's Not Stocks Or Shares) use this exact same method every single day to sweep in millions of pounds for themselves.

But the best thing is that not only is it 100% legal, it can never be stopped and the number of opportunities that exist are growing with the internet every single day. That's very good news for us and I'll explain more on this shortly.

The simple little method that you're going to learn about can be used by absolutely anyone with an internet connection & PC.  You can make anything from tens of pounds to several thousand pounds a day. 

Before moving on are you worried that just because it is used by financial institutions that it will be somehow complex, difficult or require mathematical or specialist knowledge of some kind? Well let me tell you that this technique is so outrageously simple that even a 10 year old could understand it and use the one-step technique you're about to learn to make a lot of money from day today.
"Your Mortgage Paid For Life!"
"It's So Simple That Even A Ten Year Old Could Learn This In Under 1 Hour!"

"It Doesn't Matter Where In The World You Are 
If You Have An Internet Connection & A PC You Can Claim Hundreds Of £Pounds 
For Just A Few Minutes Of Clicking A Mouse "

"As you can see this is the real deal, Im not the best at taking pictures but these really are pictures of me this year with my powerboat in Miami, this is what I call work and what I do whenever I like, you can be doing the same!"

When you download this E-book you'll learn how to:
  • Make money from day one with no requirement of any prior knowledge or further reading. It's not only so simple that a child could understand, but it's 100% legitimate and tax free (although please remember tax laws vary from country to country and over time.)
  • Use this incredible but simple technique to earn money for you every day for as long as the internet is around, regardless of the credit crunch or where you happen to live. You can use this method in the USA, UK, Australia, Asia, Europe...anywhere with an internet connection and PC. You can even do this from your beach house while sipping on a martini and enjoying the cool sea breeze on your face. 

And it gets even better because this simple money generating technique can never be monitored or regulated. It can never be closed down and as the internet grows the opportunities to make risk-free money from this will multiply hundreds of times.

You can now literally switch on your PC, visit a website and collect your money a couple of hours later. There is simply nothing else like it in the world! 

We already know that this technique has been used by banks and global traders for centuries - that's great for them - but what about you?

Well the internet has thrown up a once-in-a-generation opportunity for just about anyone with an internet connection and PC to make heaps of cash every day "RISK FREE" by doing exactly the same thing. 

Make no mistake, there are people just like you who are making a huge monthly income (others use it as a nice little stress free, part time earner) from this wonderful little concept.

I said earlier that there is nothing else quite like it in the world - that's because this internet loophole opportunity (call it what you like) is the only technique I have ever seen of making a guaranteed, risk free profit EVERY few hours without any chance of a loss! Can you think of any other method in the world that offers such a return?

This Incredible Internet Loophole Is A Guaranteed & Zero Risk Way Of Making Free Money, Everyday, For The Rest Of Your Life! 

"Have Your Dream Car This Year, Mine has always been a Bentley!"

Before continuing let me make one thing absolutely clear - this is in no way a form of betting or gambling. Betting is a very risky thing to do - sure a handful of people may win at it but on the whole most people will always lose in the long term. 

Everyday, in every country more and more opportunities continue to spring up.

It's perfectly legal to profit from these opportunities, they can never be closed down and the opportunities will continue to grow explosively over the next few decades. 

Does it surprise you that some people actually do this full time? It's their work-from-home "J-O-B"! Wouldn't it be nice to earn a living just by logging onto a couple websites, and I will tell you which ones, and walk away a few hours later with a guaranteed big profit?

"When I fly to Miami it's always nice to fly First Class, Many times I have been the only person in the 
First class cabin as you can see here, you could soon be doing this whenever you like!"

"The picture on the right is actually of me working early this year, 
I was checking on my lap top how much money I had just banked!"

There are literally hundreds of these opportunities that exist every single day. With this package it's as simple as logging onto the website, deciding how much money you need that day (Every Day!),  and collecting a few hours later.

There are so many opportunities that come up that it would actually be impossible for you to profit from all of them - you would not have enough time  Remember, this can be done from anywhere in the world - you could be a citizen of the UK, USA, Germany, Australia, India...etc - three cheers for the global marketplace.

This Is Not Gambling. 
This Is Not Trading. 
This Is Not Even Investing.

Because It's Impossible That You Can Make A Loss,  It Is A Mathematical Certainty  That You Can Use To Make Free Money For The Rest Of Your Life.

Imagine waking up at 10am in the morning, having a quick look at your PC and finding the exact information you need to collect a quick $300 by lunchtime. You could take the afternoon off, play some golf, go shopping or spend some quality time with the family. Then do the same thing again in the evening, What a wonderful concept and you could be doing it today.
"Stay In The Finest Hotels!"

Even during the boom years in any economy it's not possible to find a form of free income, BUT THIS IS EXACTLY THAT! and it will make you free money for the rest of your life. 

£1 Million Pounds In Under 7 Years, 
Outrageously Simple!

1 Million Pounds!

This is of course a very conservative estimate of what can be earned by spending a little time everyday.

Are you now ready to learn and apply this incredibly simple technique to start earning free money everyday? 

Remember that you need no specialist knowledge on anything. What you will need is a PC and internet connection  and of course this E-book which shows you step by step how to start earning immediately and gives you access to a powerful website which spoon feeds you in real time! You can also do this from anywhere in the world, right from the comfort of your own home. 

The fact is, this information is priceless and unheard of by most investors
let alone the general public. 

It is the power of the internet that has brought this to your attention. It is the power of the internet that also gives you the chance to use this every day to make a lot of money with just a few clicks of the mouse.

How much would you be willing to pay to have an easy $300....rolling into your bank account every few hours - forever? The numbers do not lie - this is exactly what's being offered to you right now. 

A Few Recent Email Of Thanks I Have Recieved From All Over The World!
  • "I'm gobsmacked, thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! I've made money just hours after downloading your ebook, A bottle of the finest Scotch Whisky is on its way to you!"-David Oldham. London, UK.
  • "This is like a dream come true, thanks for letting me have your information, I cant sleep thinking about this" -Amanda Korn, Sydney,Australia.
  • "It a little more than a few minutes work every day, but I dont mind working 1 hour, this has changed my families life, I now have enough money to look after 20 families!" - R.Singh. Goa, India.
  • "Wow,  Incredible! I'll let you know how I get on, This is the Golden Goose I've been looking for!" - B.Carter, Dallas, USA.
  • "thankyou from your new friend in Holland, I came back to this website to buy, and Im so glad I did, I get my new car and expensive watch this weekend with money from your instructions" - G.Vanderveld. Amsterdam, Holland.
  • `"It only took me only a few minutes to get into this and I love it, the earning potential seems endless" - Alan Baker, Stalybridge, UK.

"Above are just a few of the many emails I have recieved from people who have downloaded my ebook. It's pretty obvious I no longer do this for the money, infact Im just as happy now with £4 Million in the bank as I was with £3 Million, the pleasure I get now is from changing peoples lives and giving them a way of having the life they have always dreamed of, my ebook can really change your life forever, why spend months and months looking for the one system thats going to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams when I can give it to you for next to nothing, all I ask is that you email me and let me know how well you do.  I get more pleasere now reading my emails from the people who buy my ebook than I do seeing how much money I have in the bank,  You need to take action now, download this ebook and change your life forever!"

"It's Now Your Decision To Either Take This Opportunity And Enjoy Financial Freedom For Life...Or To Turn Away Forever"

Buy Now And After Payment You Will Be Directed To A Download Page So You Will Have This Product Immediately!

"How I Made £1Million Pounds In Under 7 Years Without A Job!"

This E-book shows you step-by-step on your PC how to use this simple technique and contains all the knowledge, tips & secrets you need to start making Free money today! 

So how much does this incredible cash-generating resource cost?

The normal price for this product is $499.97  

But If You Order Today I Will Offer You This Amazing Product That Can Give You Total Financial Freedom For The Rest Of Your Life For Just $97

"Special Offer Today! - Only $97"

 Buy Now And After Payment You Will Be Directed To A Download Page So You Will Have This Product Immediately!

ps. When this E-book arrives you can start using it within minutes and start earning money instantly!
pps. Was originally $499,  Today its just $97!

For Help and Assistance You Can Email Me at:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What a Computer Recycling Company Can Do For Your Business

After years of service, the computers, monitors and peripherals used by your business become obsolete and dysfunctional. Your business also likely has old computers and equipment sitting around that are broken beyond repair. Trying to dispose of these old computers and computer equipment responsibly is difficult, even for the most environmentally friendly of businesses. A computer recycling company will pick up your old, obsolete computers, worn out monitors and broken printers and recycle their components for use inside new consumer products. Consider these benefits of what a computer recycling company can do for your business.

Community Benefits
Depending on the condition of your old computers and equipment, a computer recycling company may be able to refurbish them into useful computers for community organizations or individuals who cannot afford to purchase a new computer system. Many of these community organizations are non-profits, which may issue you a receipt for tax purposes. Recycling your computer to a community organization could result in your business saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars off the yearly tax bill.

Dealing with the transportation of a large number of old computers, monitors and peripherals is an onerous task. A computer recycling company that comes to your location, has a large vehicle for transport, does the manual labor of lifting and loading and hauls everything away from your site is convenient for the operations of your business.

Data Security
A computer recycling company will protect the security and confidentiality of your business data. Old computer hard drives are wiped clean so that no unscrupulous individual can steal your tax, credit card and bank account information. With certificates of destruction provided to you, you can rest assured knowing that your confidential business information will not be stolen.

Hazardous Materials
Trying to recycle computers at your own location or strip salvageable metals is hazardous to your employees. Old computers may contain harmful chemicals including lead and mercury, while more recently produced computers and peripherals contain polyvinyl chloride, bromine, cadmium, chromium and flame retardant chemicals. A computer recycling company has the knowledge and expertise to handle these types of hazards safely. By using a computer recycling company, your business remains compliant with the law regarding the disposal of such materials.

Environmental Responsibility
Throwing a computer into your business dumpster is not the responsible thing to do. A computer recycling company is an environmentally friendly choice. Rather than allowing the hazardous chemicals inside your computer to leak into the landfill, recycling your computer allows these materials to be safely reused whenever possible. Your business may receive accolades from the municipal government for its environmental responsibility in recycling these materials.

 For readers who are interested in learning more about computer recycling, you're recommends check out

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Beginners Free Forex Money Secret

Your 2012 Money Secret

Actually what I am giving you is a free smart money secret. If you follow me through to the end of this paper I will show you a method that anyone can use to make money.

Years back while serving in the U.S. Navy submarine service I stumbled across this money multiplying method.

You see when you are a sailor you pull into many different foreign ports, like Japan, the Philippines, and Hong Kong. All of these countries have different kinds of money, different currencies.

When you pull into a foreign port it is very difficult to go ashore with U.S. dollars and spend them in a local souvenir shop or bar. You need the currency of the country you are in if you want to enjoy your time there.

As a sailor there are basically three ways to do this:

1. You can buy the currency of the country you are going to from some U.S. banks and take it with you.

2. You can go to a bank in the country you are going to and some of them will exchange U.S. dollars for the local currency. You will need to be able to speak the language of the country you are in or find someone in the bank who speaks English, so it can be a little more tricky.

3. Money ex-changers come on board your ship or boat and will broker the money for you for a fee.

Now here is the most important part of this article, and the part you must understand if you are going to make money with this method.

When an American sailor receives a foreign currency, whether it is a Philippines peso, the Japanese yen, or the Hong Kong dollar it is immediately referred to as "funny money".

Most times when in a foreign port, the first day one part of the crew goes ashore, and the second day another part of the crew gets its turn. It is not at all uncommon to hear a sailor who went on shore on day one ask a sailor who is going on shore the next day, "Hey, do you want to buy some funny money?" In other words, "Do you want to buy the currency of the country we are in for exchange for some U.S. dollars?"

Now here is something else you need to know. the first three letters of the word "funny" are "fun" and once a sailor, or even a tourist, trades in there own country's cash for the local cash it kind of becomes like Monopoly money.

It seems to have lost its true value. It is something to be played with or to have fun with. In essence it is not considered as "real"money any more. It is most often spent to the last peso, yen or dollar. It is expendable.

I don't know why this is true, but it often seems to be so. I guess this is so because another word for "funny" is "peculiar". And, things that are odd or peculiar or different, many people - perhaps most people - don't like and tend to avoid. It just seems to be human nature to revert to that which you are more accustomed to.

Seldom were large amounts of money brought back to the United States. Oh, somebody might have a dollar or two left to take home to the wife or kids as souvenirs, but that was usually the extent of it.

There was an exception I want you to know about.

His name was Sammy. Sammy's dad was a banker. A banker in the United States and sometimes after we had been gone from the states for a month or more, Sammy would get a letter or letters form his dad with large sums of money in the form of traveler's checks.

Sammy would call home and let his dad know he had the checks so in case they were lost or stolen in the mail they could be canceled.

Then before we left the port we were in he would exchange the traveler's checks for "funny money". Often Sammy would also take a hundred or couple hundred of his own money and exchange it for the foreign currency also.

One day I asked him why he and his dad wanted money you couldn't spend back state side?

Sammy explained to me his dad was a speculator. He followed world economic trends that caused the currency of one country in relation to another to either gain or lose its value.

Usually when Sammy's dad sent $1000 to invest in pesos or yen or Hong Kong dollars when we got back to the states the $1000 in "funny money" could be exchanged for U.S. dollars for $1100, $1200, or sometimes more. Not a bad investment for a month or two return.

One word of caution. After I was transferred to another submarine, I tried this money exchanging method on my own in a country where I had previously made money with Sammy and his dad and when I returned to the states the "funny money" had devalued in relation to the U.S. dollar. I lost money.

The reason for this was I had lost the expertise of Sammy's dad. I had lost the tool which enabled me to make money. It would be like a farmer raising corn with a tractor and making a profit and the next year his tractor broke and he tried to do the same thing with a tiller or worse yet with a shovel and hoe.

Alright, so why am I telling you this? Most probably you are not going to join the navy, go overseas, buy foreign currency, return to the U.S. and hopefully exchange it for a profit.

Good news, now you don't have to do it that way. You can sit right at home in the U.S. or any other country for that matter and you can even sit in your own home and exchange currencies for profit.

'Great", you say, "But how do I get hold of Sammy's dad?"

Well, here is where the news gets even better. Now-a-days, thanks to the computer and software programs, you can stay at home and make money without Sammy's dad.

This is all done with a process know as "Forex" ( which stands for foreign exchange ) trading, and is basically a 2 step process if you are new to exchanging currencies.

1. Find a good basics forex course and learn the vocabulary and the basics of exchanging currencies. Many courses will let you practice for free.

2. Take the plunge and try a trade or, and I highly recommend this, invest in a good forex software (Sammy's dad), and let the robot do the speculating for you.

About this Author

To learn the basics I would suggest This will allow you to look over your teacher's shoulder as he/she shows you the ropes without risking any of your own money. Then go to to buy the software, a robot that does the work for you. This is Sammy's dad. Fap Turbo is a 14 year proven program that has an 80% success rate for its clients. And, it is not a static system, it is a dynamic software robot that constantly updates itself to keep you constantly making money.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ways to Make Money Tips

Do you want to make money really fast?
This article is for you. Learn through time and tested ways that actually will make you money fast! Here are a few tips that will have you on your way to the right path that will give you the things you need and want in life.

Making money is hard in itself. Making money fast is even harder if you do not know what you are doing. I was once told a motto to go by that changed my ENTIRE life. I was told this, "Don't work hard, work smart." This quote sent me on a journey through the infinite possible ways to make money. I was not only looking to just make money, I was looking to do it as efficiently as possible. Make the most amount of money for the least amount of work. That is working smart. I will show you just how to do that.

There are ways to make money online. Many ways in fact to make money online. Don't fall for every scam you hear. Read things closely to try to understand what is going on and if it makes sense that money can be made. I've had programs that I've bought telling me that I can make thousands of dollars a week doing surveys. Now I know that this is just not possible unless you spend every moment of the entire week doing this. Its just not a SMART way to make good money with little time. I've also bought programs that have actually made me money. I will tell you three ways that I have made money online

Affiliate/referral marketing is a way that I can use my marketing skills to connect customers to businesses that generate a transaction. It can be easy if you understand the concepts of marketing and more importantly, marketing online. Here it is usually a slow start, where you are working too much without making anything. This is only until you get the hang of it and then the money can start pouring in. I recommend if you choose this option, read up on online marketing. Find some other people that do just that and figure out what they are doing right.

Creating an e-book can generate you lots of money. You must posses knowledge that someone is willing to pay for. Be honest and truthful in what you sell and what it can accomplish for the customer and it will do good. Again you must know how to market online and how to generate a sales page. I recommend this after you have learned how marketing works. Possibly start affiliate/referral marketing before you create an e-book. learn what other people have done and see what they are doing right. Another tips you can Make Money by Writing Easy.

Forex markets can be risky if you do not know what you are doing. There is literally trillions of dollars flowing in and out of these markets every single day. It's very possible to be making thousands of dollars a week trading forex markets. There are experts that have created robots that trade for them. They use these so that they can sleep and not have to look at the computer screen all day. This is working smart. You can get your hands on one of these robots that will trade for you, its very interesting.

Tony E. Jones is a Successful internet marketer and a wise investor when it comes down to making real money. "The game you are playing is not chance, its change." Tony E. Jones will show you ways to make money, especially in the field of Forex trading which is his specialty.

"Robotic trading is one of the biggest opportunities right now out there. It is one of the only ways that a beginner can start getting money RIGHT NOW. Set up the account and robot and let that thing run wild, you will thank me. Check it out: Click Here []

"The best advice I got from my aunt, the great singer Rosemary Clooney, and from my dad, who was a game show host and news anchor, was: don't wake up at seventy years old sighing over what you should have tried. Just do it, be willing to fail, and at least you gave it a shot. That's echoed for me all through the last few years." -- George Clooney

How to Hunt Spirits and Make Money!

Hello and thank you for reading my article,

First off I would like to say I love to Spirit Hunt with a passion and although I would do it for free anyday (and have for years and still do on occasion), Spirit Hunters gotta eat too! and why not make money doing what I love. Ive discovered several ways of making money Spirit Hunting.Here are the top 5 and why:

5- Write a Book! Although you obviously need to be experienced and be a good writer, this is a major money maker in the industry. The more specific the more people will want to read your book, (its pretty hard to compete with the thousands of general ghost hunting 101 books on the market). Try focusing on "Haunted Hotels of California" rather then "Haunted Hotels" for example. Although this route requires the extra skill of being a writer it can be very rewarding.

4-Run Tour Groups, Find a local haunted historic site, graveyard, hospital, whatever it may be in your community.You can do Segway, Bike, Boat, Car, Bus, Van, walking tours the possibilities are endless! Find something of interest to you and start your own tour group! Ive been on tons of tour groups that were really crazy and fun, people dressing up, scary music the whole 9 yard. Id highly suggest getting out there and going on tour groups for research and development for starting your own.

3-Teach Classes, Teach beginners how to Hunt Spirits. This is a pretty easy and rewarding way of making money. You can assign readings from Ghost Hunting Books, Take your students with you on investigations for hands on experience, and conduct lectures. Teaching can be a pretty broad spectrum, you can place ads in the newspaper providing classes or in some cases work at a community college or even universities. In addition you can do guest lectures, or speeches on the subject as well.

2-Sell Ghost Hunting Equipment- This is a great choice because it requires no experience in Ghost Hunting! Although some experience would help so that you would know what equipment to provide and if it works properly, enough information can be learned about that in a few days. And whatever scale of business you'd decide to do from eBay to corporation there is always a high demand for equipment.

1-Provide Paranormal Help to Businesses- This is the method I make a living off of and in my opinion one of the most rewarding choices. Hotels, Inns, Restaurants, hospitals and many other businesses lose business because of being haunted and once the rumor starts less and less people start to patronize the business. You can setup contracts with these businesses to spend hours a week for however long it takes to rid of the spirits and get paid handsomely for the service! I love it because I feel good knowing I helped people out and my family business suffered from the same thing growing up, and also paying enough money to keep food on the table for my family.

Please Visit my Website at

Other Alternative way to make money. you can visit

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

Friday, February 3, 2012

How to Become a Google Money Master

Another way you can try....
There are many tips and tricks to making money online and most people seem to be in search of as many as they can find. However no matter what anyone tells you there are no secrets to making money online. If you want to become a Google money master it is as simple as following directions in a cook book.
The secrets that the so called gurus are selling for thousands of dollars do not have any real secrets in them. The only thing that they contain is the same info that can be found for free if you simply do some research online. The reason that they make millions selling the same info that can be found for free is simply because they are betting on people being lazy. And they are doing everything right because most people do not want to do the hard work necessary to become a Google money master and simply want to be rich overnight.
This is how the gurus make their money they tell you that all you have to do is buy their products and once you have their Google treasure chest you'll be able to make money. In reality you still need to do the hard work that you would have done without paying them the money. So you are better off simply buckling down and learning the steps yourself.
The main way to make money online is to have a popular website. This is key because it gives you unlimited opportunities such as selling products, ad space, or services. With a popular website the hard work is already done for you and all you have to do is choose the median by which you want to convert your internet traffic into monetary rewards.
One of the easiest and most trustworthy ways to become a Google money master is to partner with the companies ad network. This will let them place ads on your site that are relevant to the content on your pages. The way that you make money is that the people who are visiting your site will see the ads and since they are related to the material they will click on them. When they click you get paid.
The other way to explore your Google treasure chest is to sell products directly to your visitors. This is known as affiliate marketing and it is one of the ways that people pull in six figure incomes online. The best way to do this is to narrow down the crux of your site and what the people on it want. Then you simply advertise that product to them after you find a good one with a high paying affiliate program.
As a Google money master it will be up to you to play around with all these methods of making money online. There are many avenues that you can pursue and the tips listed here are just the beginning of what is possible with hard work and dedication.
Get more info in the full Google Money Master and Google Seo reviews.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Make Money Easy Online

This one of hottest altenative to making money online.... Easy to do...
Today, the declining US economy is forcing people to find alternate means of earning a living and more and more people are looking to the internet and asking how to make money easy online.

My message to all of these people is to forget the easy and just look for legitimate opportunities. People who look for easy ways to make money online open themselves up to being swindled out of their hard earned money by people claiming that they can show them how.

You can make money online, but it may not be easy, especially at first when you are learning the new technology. Of course you can outsource or pay people to do the work for you, but how will you direct these people as to what needs to be done if you yourself do not know exactly what needs to be done?

I urge you, to take the time to devote yourself to learning and building a solid foundation for your online business. You will gain ease with the business after you have set up your systems. But it will take work to set up those systems and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

I have been earning my living online for many years now and I have had the good fortune of being able to mingle and interact with many of the multi-billion dollar gurus. What many of them fail to tell is of the many sleepless nights that they spent building their business before it became an easy money machine.

Generally, people in online business want to convey the idea that it is an easy business because often they are selling courses or recruiting a downline and they naturally want people to believe that it is easy and that anyone can do it. Therefore, they neglect to mention the part that involves the learning curve which does take time, effort and determination.

Determination is key here since often the new technology for many people can be extremely frustrating and does take time to learn. However, the joy of the business is that once you are able to get past the learning curve things actually become easy. Make no mistake, there is a price to be paid before getting to the easy part.

This is one of the main reasons why internet gurus have no hesitation telling how to do the business because they know that only 5 percent or less will have the patience and determination to get past the learning curve.

If you are serious about how to make money easy online, commit to spending the time to do whatever it takes to build a solid foundation. If you can do this, you will have the right mindset to succeed. has resources to help you learn how to make money easy online without going broke. Go to the site and sign up for the free newsletter where you will receive valuable tips and strategies about making money online.

Monday, January 30, 2012

How To Make Money

Something that is never taught in all our years of education is how to make money. 

Yet this is a complex subject. Your life and well being depend on it. The more you study of it, the more you will have of it. While it is not possible to talk in detail here about how to study money or the many ways that one can make money, it is possible to grasp the direction you need to take.

The starting point is to make a study of it. Then you have to practice what you have studied. It doesn't matter where you begin your study--whether it is learning how to manage your money, or how to invest it, or how to create an enterprise that will begin to attract more money into your life.

Then you have to get rid of any money issues that you have--any subconscious blocks about it. If you don't have enough money, there is some way that you are resisting having more and even repelling it. Since money is such an emotionally-charged subject, most people have huge resistance to getting more. While they claim to want it, they also hold contradictory and conflicting beliefs about money. You have to get clear that you want more money.

As in most things in life...., 

You can't get anywhere unless you take a position. You have to take a position in relationship to money. If you are trading stocks, you have to take a position--do you want to go long or short in a given market? If you hold a job, you have to take a position on it--do you want to rise in your company or look for another opportunity? If you are an entrepreneur, you have to take a position--what do I want to sell, to whom, and for how much?

The position is a point in space and time. The ideal space is here. The ideal time is now. In other words, you have to be fully present to your opportunity here and now. When you think of the past, you have to relate the events then to where you are now. When you think of the future, you have to relate the imagined events to where you are now. Here and now, then, is your only point of power.

How do you get what you want? You have to do something. And in order to do something, you have to be something. This, then, creates what you have. If you do like a professional marketer, for example, then you will have the rewards of that profession. Similarly, if you do little or nothing, then you will have little or nothing. Your action determines your results. And your actions spring from who you are as a person. You have what your actions bring you.

Who you are is actually a highly-intelligent and capable being, and if you come from that position of personal self-acceptance, then you will learn what to do, begin doing it, and start having more of what you want. When you set your intention, you will perceive your vision in three-dimensions, and you will begin to act in ways that bring you more of what you want.

Do you see how simple it all is? Why then do people struggle with money? It is because they do not study and practice it; they do not have enough emotional clarity about money; they do not take a position in relationship to the marketplace; and, they do not believe that they are worthy, do not act, and, consequently, do not get what they want.

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AdSense: Make Money Online Without Selling

I think the title of this article gives the best definition that can be found for the AdSense program of Google.

Through its AdSense program Google let you earn without the need for you to sell anything at all to anyone anywhere. Many persons, including who is writing this article right now, are making money and receiving checks from Google month after month. And there are many internet entrepreneurs that are generating higher incomes from participating in the AdSense program than from the direct sales of their own products or services. All right, you are thinking that I told you something that simply has no meaning as earning money without selling.

How can it work?
The answer is simple, you are paid per click and not per sale.
The AdSense program of Google is a service that let you, and anyone else that provides some kind of content online, to become a publisher for the Pay Per Click advertising program they run.

You can see it as a triangle, where three different subjects are involved:
- Advertisers
- Google
- Publishers

The advertisers join Google PPC service (named AdWords) in order to promote their services or products to the huge audience that this giant search engine has each day. They bid on specific keywords that are relevant to the services or products they sell and have their ads displayed on Google when searches are made for the chosen keywords.

They pay to Google for every visit to their sites that comes from this promotion, so they pay for each click.
Google then opened another service called AdSense that is an addition to AdWords.
It is a service for online publishers, and let you display on your web pages ads of the AdWords advertisers targeted to the keywords of your web pages.It is all done automatically when you add the simple code that AdSense gives you once you are approved for their service.

Once a visitor of your sites clicks on one link of the AdSense ads that your site displays the AdWords advertiser is charged by Google for the click, or visitor that is delivered to his site, and you are credited by Google a share of that money in your AdSense account. So you are paid for selling nothing at all, but just for the click that the AdSense ad received in one of your web pages.

Of course the Google AdWords advertisers are very interested in selling the products and services they promote paying for every visitor sent to their site, and I sincerely hope that the clicks that increase my AdSense income benefit the advertisers that pay me through Google, but this anyway is not my concern or something I have to worry when I create my sites and add the AdSense code to them.

I am more interested in creating web pages that are interesting for my visitors and provide them useful content. I worry to provide them with explanations and links of good resources if I don't have directly the opportunity to offer them a product or a service, and the ads displayed by Google are an addition that can be interesting and useful for them and can increase my income.

I think it seems all very simple from the above explanations.

One thing that is very important to know is that the Google AdWords program is extremely crowded and there are really a lot of keywords and key phrases with big competition and very high bids. This means that advertisers pay a lot of money for every single click for those keywords. Of course also AdSense publishers can earn a lot of money if they have sites related to those keywords that receive many visitors and many clicks to the Google ads.

You will find useful info and resources related to AdSense,

Best Ways to Make Money Online and Earn Good Income

Best possible ways to earn money online

The Internet offers great moneymaking opportunities for Individuals with computer knowledge and skills required to thrive in this online medium. There are a number of ways to earn money online but the ten best possible ways to earn money online are:

Try selling things on the Internet. That is the simplest way of making money online using the Internet. Selling products on the internet through online shopping portals, virtual auction sites, or setting up a web store in your own website provides a great income opportunity to everyone who has something nice to sell to potential customers online. This is ideal for generating the required amount of revenue on a long-term basis and is the simplest of moneymaking options available online.

For all those who believe that their photography skills can impress anyone, there is a great option to sell photos online and earn money. There are numerous stock photography agencies present online, which help you in selling your photos online. These agencies offer great incentives and income opportunities to budding photographers  ( The amount is paid on a per-download basis to these photographers after getting the royalty payment rights from them. This is a very useful way to earn money online if you have the required skill set.

Several message boards have many visitors to their sites. These message boards are dependent on regular contributions from the forum members to keep the community alive and the conversation growing. As the message boards get popular, there are chances that more members that are new will join the forum and get their queries solved or contribute towards the discussion. These message boards get the sufficient advertisements to pay to their most active members, who have been posting on a regular basis, thereby giving them a chance to earn some money.

Through various social networking sites, it is actually possible to earn money while going through different profile of people who are members of these sites. Some social networking sites pay its users money to improve page impressions in their profile to attract more visitors. These sites also offer money for uploading and sharing pictures and referring new members to the social networking site. The money given to an Individual depends on a proportionate payment structure setup by the site that distributes almost half of its advertising revenues to its members.

Filling up surveys is another way to earn money online. Filling up market research survey may look like a very boring activity but the opportunities to earn money in this type of work are endless. There are thousands of research groups online, which would like to take your opinion about various things and in that process, pay you for presenting your opinion. For each survey completed, there are certain points or money given out to the users. Once the money-earning limit is hit, the survey team allows the user the opportunity to take the money or exchange the points for a certain amount of money.

Another great way to earn money online is through blogs. The process of blogging can help users earn lot of money online by putting in creative content in their blogs. There are two ways of going about this blogging activity: one is to create your own blog and write all the content on your own. This is a painful process where you need to do all the hard work to earn money. The second one is to setup a sponsored blog where you write reviews about products for companies wanting to promote their business. These blog sites pay you money for providing favorable opinion about a certain product. This is one of the best income opportunities present online.

The internet provides the perfect platform for freelancers to earn money by providing services based on their skill sets. These may include talent such as writing, programming, graphic designing, and training. There are many websites where buyer posts their requirements for a particular assignment and freelancers can bid for that assignment. The buyer then selects the service provider for the assignment and assigns the task to them. This is one of the safest ways to earn money online and the website takes a certain cut from your payment as the intermediary to have got you the job. It is more or less a win-win proposition for everyone involved.
The three other ways to earn money online is by betting, setting up an online business, or by playing computer games. Each of these options provides different sort of earning potential and requires different amount of effort to set the ball rolling and generate the required amount of income for you.

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Fast Moneymaking Ideas: Make Money on Your Free Time

These days, it is a fact that money does not go as far as it used to, which is why a lot of people are spending long hours at work just to support their needs. Generating ideas to earn money is not that hard because you only need to be creative and determined most of the time.

Use Your Free Time To Earn Money

Aside from regular work, you can also use your free time to do something that you enjoy and earn at the same time. Of course, it will be better and longer lasting if you choose a moneymaking scheme that is close to your hobby, and not something that you will get bored with easily.

There Are A Lot of Ways To Make Money

Fast moneymaking ideas come in different forms. Some of them will require you to go out and interact with people, while others need you to stay home and communicate in some other way.

Work on Paid Surveys
If you are a mother who wants to earn money from home, you can do paid surveys for companies. You only need to have a little monetary investment, and once you have passed all the requirements, you are ready to start earning big money by just telling your honest opinions. The advantage of this option is that you earn per survey that you finish, and the pay is also satisfactory. Of course, you do not need to leave your chores at home or even your children; you can get to them anytime they need you because the work does not require you to be in front of the computer all day long.

Post Links
Another idea to generate money fast is by posting links and advertisements all over the Web. This is also good for people who cannot leave home but want to earn extra income. Here, you just need to look for a client and learn how and where to post links and ads. This job can also provide a satisfactory income if you are dedicated enough. It is something that you can do in order to kill time at home instead of just watching television. Aside from a computer with an internet connection, you do not need anything else to start. Payments are usually sent by check or through a bank deposit, whatever option you have chosen. Hence, you do not literally need to go out and leave the comforts of your home.

Of course, there are several other ideas out there that you may try, and it is up to you to decide if you can commit to it for the sake of earning extra without much effort.

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